Close Family Ties
I am very lucky to have a wonderfully close and loving family. Over the years that I have posted I have realized that there are many of you out there that are not blessed with that. I am very sorry for you and hope that you can find peace within yourselves without feeling you have to bash others that have the love and support from their families that I so gratefully have. A true friend of anyone in my family would never post the appalling comments that I have moderated on this blog. It is so hard to have peace in the world without having it in our hearts. I wish the best for all of you that visit my website and truly hope for peace in the world.
I agree with you 110%. People can't give what they don't have, which explains a lot. Above all I wish you to prosper as your soul prospers. I my get to come to the workshop this year, it will be a family vacation... I'm trying to talk Nick into stepping out of his comfort zone to play guitar in the subway, can you do that and not get arrested?
My heavens, why would someone say negative things toward you or your family? You have a wonderful blog and it is fun to read about you, your life, and great supportive family. Please keep sharing your acting, experiences and love of the arts.
I'm really hoping the best for you and your family. I didn't know how mean-spirited some people could be until I visited the blogs and message boards. They know who they are. We all have our own opinions, but there are decent ways to express them. I am not very sure that I will see you this year, with family vacations this summer and moving.
I, too, am fortunate to be blessed with a loving, caring family, as well as a wonderful network of friends. Like you, I understand that not everyone is as lucky, but that does not give them the “right” to unleash their hateful thoughts on you. Sadly, the anonymous nature of the Internet gives people a forum through which they can vent their baser side. I am very new to your blog, but am finding it interesting. Hopefully, the “idiots” of the world will not dampen your enthusiasm for it.
Amen to what Miss Lou said. As long as you do not feel so bruised by the experience that you stop posting (as happened to another friend who had a really cracking blog about the process of screen writing).
I feel sorry that some individuals use the relative anonymity of the internet to abuse, invade and upset other people. Something happened to me recently on some message boards and the resulting furore lead to several regular posters signing a so-called "Friendship Pact".
There were also lots of links to an organisation called "Words Can Heal" -
.. so maybe, in the end, some good came from the original nastiness.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, perhaps. I hope that doesn't sound too trite ...
You have a thick skin Elizabeth! Nice that you have a close family--I always liked reading what you put in your blog about them--it takes some of the "glamour" away from your brother, but in a good way! (I hope that makes sense.) I hope to someday get enough gumption to attend one of your workshops if you return to Michigan--I've always been curious about the acting process and I think it could be helpful to me in my own profession.
Please take this envy is not too much to heart.
There are so many people that you feel inspired, I
If your blog is no longer there would be a real loss
Do not get down and just keep doing so
Dear Elizabeth-
I know that this happened before and I had hoped that this was over-
I apologize for so-called fans that get way carried away with their intrusion into people's lives and their nasty comments-
All I can say is that people don't know you personally and unfortunately they view you as a target to take their frustrations out on-
I am so sorry about this but please try and see that they don't know you and your family and as hard as it is, you must try and not take it personally-
Your family life is reality and others intruding is only reality in their own imaginations-
It's a shame that a few people, with way too much time on their hands, choose to waste such a valuable asset in a hateful and utterly useless way. Imagine if they chose, instead, to spend their time and energy doing something generous and compassionate. Ah, well, one can always dream!
Thank you for sparing us the discomfort and indignity of being exposed to the witless rants of the few who would like nothing more than to deprive the rest of us the pleasure of your blog, your wisdom and your never ending encouragement.
Keep on keepin' on, Elizabeth. We're right behind you!
Dear Elizabeth-
Part of your life is that of being Vincent's sister but it is not your whole life-
I appreciate any information that you wish to share and I, too, don't understand people who can be so cruel and heartless-
I am sorry you have had trouble with some people on your site, it is too bad that negative people must vent their feelings on others.I wish you and your family a Happy Valentine's Day.All the best to you.Sandra.
I am trying to enter a comment but google is messing me up.I am registered under dahlia and my e mail I thought I had it corrected but apparently not.Anyway as I said in my message Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family and all good wishes to you all.Sandra.
I'm always amazed at the nastiness of people. It comes as a surprise and yet it happens so often, why is it a surprise. Sorry you have had so much trouble with it. Maybe some day I'll be brave enough to go to one of your workshops til then I wish you kindness and prosperity. I enjoy your comments and the take on life you express in your blog.
I hear your new nephew has now arrived. Congratulations to all concerned. I wish the whole family joy.
I read the blog quite often but rarely post. I am posting today because this hit a nerve with me. Why do people have to be so evil or jealous of what others have? I always enjoy reading about your family and the closeness you have.
I agree with you about family. Your family and health are two of the most important things in life.
I lost one of my sibling's very suddenly last October. We are a very close family of eight siblings so it was very hard for everyone. He was the first of all of us. You never realize how much they are missed until they are gone.
Every year for Mother's Day we take our Mom to my sister's summer home and spend three days with her. It is just the eight kids and Mom, no siblings or children. We have done this for the past 10 years and it is more fun than ever imagined. This year will be very hard for us. We call ourselves "pieces of eight". From now on a piece will be missing.
Sorry - didn't mean to get all emotional on everyone.
Family is the most important thing in life and I cherish mine everyday as everyone should do.
Elizabeth - keep posting about your family. The pride you have for them truly shows.
I'm sorry to hear that the trolls and miserable people have been here trying to bring you down.
Congratulations on the birth of your new nephew!
Looks like your family got a Valentine's present ! Congratulation on the birth of your new nephew. What a wonderful blessed event for all of you. Please relay to Vincent, Carin and the kids how happy we are that things are ok. When they share his name with the public, please let us know. Again, my husband and I send our congratulations to your family.
Congratulations on the birth of your nephew, what a wonderfull gift on Valentine's Day.Please give my best regards to Vincent,Carin and their children.I wish a long,healthy,happy life to him.All good thoughts to the whole D'onofrio family at this joyfull time.Sandra.
Dear Elizabeth-
Congratulations Auntie-
This is a time for you to celebrate-
Don't let insignificant intrusions spoil this time-
Hi Elizabeth --- I tried to post Sunday but it didn't go through. I haven't posted since last time you had to deal with the nuts --- I think when you were relocating to Florida, but I read your blog and enjoy your notes on acting, family life, etc. Please don't let them bring you down. Small minds, small lives, and it would seem way too much time on their hands. All the best to you in this New Year.
Congratulations to the D'Onofrio family on the new Valentine's baby. Same b-day as my grandson. A wonderful gift for all!!
It really is a shame that more people don't look at blogs as an invitation to meet new 'neighbor'. You would think that when you are meeting someone, you would tend to remember to mind your manners. The concept of community is lost on so many. I have seen cyber bullies and trolls run really nice people off really nice blogs. I feel your frustration, and hope you stick around.
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