They think they are so intelligent
Wow, can't tell you how many republicans I have come across in this state. They think that they are the most intelligent party. They also believe that they are so witty by voting in caucuses and primaries for the democratic runner that they believe will be easily beat by McCain in November. Well, the problem with that is that they have not overwhelmingly picked the same candidate. Well, I am assured now that many of them will be very disappointed when the democratic nominee is finally revealed. I personally believe that either Democratic candidate will overwhelmingly beat out McCain in November. They are both very intelligent and it would be nice to have a president that speaks well for a change.
Politics in Florida in general are weird. I've live here off and on over 16 years and the political landscape just keeps getting screwier. Dem or rep, it seems to matter not. Some times I think I registered like I did just so I can vote in some primaries. I vote in the elections for the best I can see, what ever party. Not sure this time. I may just vote for one to vote against the other, kind of the best of two bads.
so sad to attack others. You know some of your supporters are republicans. We are not evil nor from another planet. We have a different point of view. Less narcisstic it seems.
Dear Kathy,
Where is it posted that I believe republicans are from another planet or evil? Also, where did I attack anyone in my post? I have many friends with both political views. I am just stating what I have heard from my friends that are republicans and my view about it. I am told everyday by them that democrats are made up of the least intelligent people in the U.S.. Is that less narcisstic? This is why I love my country. People can have different views and still remain friends and supporters of each other.
Dear EDO
I interpretted your post as an attack and was surprised to see it in this forum. Your passion is evident and unfortunately the tone is demeaning. I was raised not to discuss politics or religion in public, if you reread your comments with an open mind you will see that they were meant to hurt and suggested that the other 50% of the country has a mental defect.
REspectfully submitted, Kathy
A president who speaks comprehensible English would be nice. I can't stand the way he murders the language. As for his politics, well, I can hardly bear to think about it. I still can't believe how Blair sucked up to him.
I don't think you were attacking anyone, just stating your opinion. The last time I checked, you still had that right. But with the present climate, you should keep checking, just to be sure.
I, too, live in Florida (am in fact a native) and when it comes to politics everyone here is angry and self-righteous. Today I mentioned the recession and one of my co-workers shouted at me, "We aren't in a recession-just a downturn." I thought, "Okay, Jethro, you drink the kool-aide. When was the last time our country was in economic shambles? Oh yeah...." But I didn't say anything because I have found it doesn't do any good.
And I defy anyone, Republican, Democrat, Neo-Fascist, Green Party, Libertarian, anyone…to say to me with a straight face that our president is an eloquent, well spoken man. We cannot know how History will judge him (I can speculate), but I don’t think it will accuse him of being one of our great orators.
Religion and Politics, now there are two subjects that will create a discussion. Electorial votes make the deciding factor anyway. The little man lost his say a long time ago.. One area we could all unite in is to go after the IRS. I personally do not like being billed rep or dem and want to vote for the best candidate no matter which parties flag they fly.
again elizabeth having posting problems so hope this dont go twice
Thank you Elizabeth for giving your opinion and feelings. This is your blog. I too have friends on both sides and everyone is frustrated. All of us want people to prosper and thrive. Right now, everyone I know is having a tough time making it. We try to be there for each other. There are no easy or simple answers.
Thank God for freedom of speech, and the right to our own beliefs in The United States of American and other Countries and Continents. We have a right to share it and if anyone is offended let it be. There was nothing said to attack The Republicans in your comments. I just hope we Dems win this time. I really don't know who to choose from between the two of them. Still deciding.
I think that perhaps it may be simpler and faster (I do not know if it is better) to elect your president by using universal direct suffrage, as it happens in France. Moreover, I hope that your future president, not like in France, will not divorce and after marry a famous former top-model, insult a visitor during the last Agriculture Show or talk, apparently drunk, during a G8 interview. These things do not at all promote "une autre idée de la France", that is so far away from now. And yes, there are some French people who read your blog (sorry for grammar, syntax or spelling mistakes).
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I hope this isn't trivialising, but language is part of the topic here - Padgett Farmer, I am a language pedant who was THRILLED that you wrote "I don't think any of us IS truly going to..." when so many (including BBC top current affairs broadcasters) would have wrongly said "are".
Some might think I'm easily pleased!
Gee, Elizabeth, talk about stirring up a hornet’s nest. Politics and Religion: two topics I avoid like the plague; however, when in Rome…
What you described happened here in Ohio’s recent primary. Several counties ran out of Democratic ballots due to Repubs crossing over to vote Dem, leaving many registered Democrats angry and frustrated when they arrived at the polls and had to wait while the local Board of Elections scrambled to rustle up more. Many simply did not get to vote.
As for whether or not Republicans think they are the more intelligent party…if Ann Coulter speaks for the majority of them, then her offensively titled book, “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans,” kinda says it all, doesn’t it? The title “implies” intellectual superiority, I have no idea as to the content because I wouldn’t waste my money on that “woman’s” drivel.
And, finally, recession…no recession. Well, to my way of thinking…if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
The electoral college was established during the Constitutional Convention. They have always been here.
Snowbirds can be so entertaining, can't they?
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