Vincent D'Onofrio presents George Gerkie

Vincent D'onofrio presents the George Gerkie Cowboy experience with special guest Sam Bisbee. Sam Bisbee will play a special opening set solo-acoustic accompanied by a string quartet, followed by a rare concert (he hasn't performed since 1989) by the legendary George Gerkie. Vincent D'onofrio has worked tirelessly to bring Mr. Gerkie to new york for this rare concert appearance, and Vincent will introduce the evening. The all star band supporting Mr. Gerkie will be led by Joe McGinty featuring Laura Cantrell, Sam Bisbee, Jon Graboff, Steve Goulding, Dan Green and Julian Maile. here is a link to the Joe's Pub site for tickets:
Looks like a fun night and a great show. Too bad I live on the West Coast ... seems just a bit too far for a night out on the town.
I'm on the wrong side of the ocean but I'm living in hope that maybe Vincent and 'George' will consider touring...
Lizzie :)
I also hope this show goes on the road. I would love to see it!!
Same as Lizzie. I live on the wrong side of the ocean but should Vincent decided to tour and is in lancashire england there's a house here he can stay!! I will live in hope!!x
I hate it when the D'Onofrio's make up people and then pretend they are real just to fool us. Do you really think we are that stupid? oh wait, maybe we are!
I do know that are very few actors out there that actually make me believe in the character anymore ... is that a lost art?
It looks just wonderful. If he decides to bring it to London, I'll be first in line for tickets.
Dear Elizabeth-
Thank you for publicizing the show by "George Gerkie"-what a good looking guy-hope the show goes well-can't wait to see the reviews.
Regi"pretend they are real" duhh...that would be "acting"......
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I'm on the West Coast and got up as well. Besides the dogs thinking I was a bit crazy - George Gerkie was a laugh and well worth getting up to hear! I hope the show goes well tonight.
Actually he looking out to have a wife number 9,so go ahead girl.Seek your happiness!
If anyone went to see the show. Please comment.
Unfortunately not (it's a long ride from Germany to NYC just for one evening,even if it's for your brother!),but did you Mrs D'Onofrio?
Potential wife no.9 (or a half) here and at his service ;)
I have a couple of fortunate friends who were there last night, and reported it was a wonderful, fun evening, with everyone enjoying themselves. Nice to know Kate Erbe was there too, having a blast. I'm hoping Vincent might persuade 'Mr Gerkie' not to retreat to 'The Tunnel' for the next 20 years. My friends were both able to shake hands with Vincent at the end, and have yet to land from flying in circles around the ceiling.
Lizzie ;)
I went, it was fantastic and George Gerkie was soooooooo good! Its raining men...hahaha!!! What a true talent your brother has! I sat right in front underneath him...So close I could see the sweat!! Really good show..and Sam Bisbee was awesome too.
I couldn't make it since I had commitments down here in Florida. I have been involved in an Art Smart program in which I teach Improvisation/Theater Games to second graders in Naples on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They would have been very disappointed if I didn't show up. Vincent is planning on bringing Gerkie out again in the near future, but don't know when or where at this time.
Hopefully some time I'm around NYC like June next year!*wink*
I consider myself very lucky to have been able to attend the show! I purchased the last three tickets for myself and my friends and it proved to be a magical evening. Your brother is very talented (as I'm sure you are as well) and versatile performer. Everyone who attended was enthralled with his performance.
After the show my friends saw Vincent at the bar and went over to tell him how much they enjoyed the show. I must admit I was star struck and it took me several second to say hello. Your brother seems very nice and rather shy. In this day and age it’s very endearing to see someone who is unassuming and humble.
I would have loved to have had a picture taken with him or asked for an autograph, but I felt that was too intrusive and rude. It just didn’t seem appropriate.
I look forward to more George Gerkie shows. I hope they will be in NYC, since that’s where I live. A selfish request on my part, I must admit.
Of I almost forgot, I published a post about the show on the Team 13 blog, if you get a chance check it out.
Well you certainly missed a great show!!! However, the work you do involving Art Smart sounds really fantastic. I applaud you for your commitment to the children, I'm sure they appreciate your presence as well.
OK, here's my review of the show. First a disclaimer-normally I make effort to be very thoroughly articulate and well-written but I dont have time to take care for this purpose. I'm not a "VDO" nut, I've only seen Full metal jacket and it was so long ago I dont remember it. I've seen him on Law n Order for 20 min in a hotel room (I remember the event as I noticed his cool vibe in particular when I dont care for actors or TV shows per se. Dude has a legit thing and it's palpable on TV etc.)
Anyway, I'm a professional musician/entertainer who went to the show as I'm acquainted with a couple of the cats in the band etc so hence, my experience is more or less objective.
So here's the deal- Look- the very purpose of music or a show or ritual is to entertain people- to give them grief relief, to absolve pain through laughter and/or to bring a soulful musical groove so people can rock and dance etc. The George Gerkie show did just that. Joke or not, dude was loose, free, silly and generous of spirit. The band, comprised of pro session guys was absolutely smoking. (Probably they dug the lack of pretense so much that they played better.) I danced and laughed my ass off and thoroughly enjoyed the sense of expectation and surprise to the bits and banter etc. Homeboy is a free spirit and a badass and is hysterical. No further analysis necessary. The show fulfilled the purpose of any artistic ritual. Dude is clearly an artist and artists need to have a good time and party without having it be a big career deal all the time. I had more hearty laughs that night and heard more solid grooves than I've heard in awhile. Funny that the "joke" of it was the thing that fostered the atmosphere for such a proper party.
Also, the whole spoof, played out in the official "bio" and delivered by VIncent and Sam Bisbee and the held tight by the band was thorough and hilarious. Rock and roll!
Thank you Thinkin Evil for the great review. Hope a good time was had for all.
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