Ah, Politics
Yes, we are all told not to speak politics or religion in public, but it sure makes people come out of the woods and voice their opinions. I haven't had as many responses to this blog in a long time. Some may say I am trying to heat things up here. Well, actually I am just interested in hearing opinions of all of you that visit my site. I personally am really looking forward to this election and am proud to be part of a more diverse nation.
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I want to say straight out that what I'm about to say will probably offend someone. Free speech. I didn't know it still existed. It seems that politic correctness and other factors have eliminated our right to free speech. Everybody is so afraid to offend someone that no one says anything. No matter what you say you will probably offend at least one person on this earth. Everyone has a right to their opinion and to voice that opinion whether it will offend someone or not. The only way to solve the problems of this country and planet are if people actually talk about it. By the way, I imagine the British were quite offended by the Declaration of Independence, but we wouldn't have a country today if our fore fathers had not stated their opinions.
In reference to the election, is there a fourth choice. LOL!!!! I can't believe all the money raised and spent so uselessly. Also I find it interesting that some contributors have been dead for several years. Now what does that say about party devotion. If it wasn't all so pathetic it would be down right humorous. I have trouble finding enough money to buy gas and groceries and they are blowing money on fancy hotels and donuts. It does indeed make for interesting conversation!!!
To have a good political discussion, it really helps if you can argue without fighting. It's a difficult skill to learn, but worth the effort.
PS Only 311 more days.......but who's counting! ;-)
Ahhh well Elizabeth, perhaps all the discussion you have generated here will spark off some ideas for your next project ..?
Dear Elizabeth-
I am a resident of Connecticut and a registered voter who was very happy to vote in the primary, and right after I came from the dentist with a tooth extraction, by the way, even though my candidate did not win the primary-
My big concern now is with Michigan and Florida-
I didn't even know that the primary votes for the Democratic party weren't going to count in these two states because they upped their primary dates-
So now what happens-
Since you are a resident of Florida, what are the residents saying-
This could have a huge impact on who the Democratic candidate is-
So what do Floridians think-
Elizabeth, Thank you for your comments! Nothing you've written is even the least offensive to me...and I'm republican and proud of it. I don't agree with all things republican and I don't disagree with all things democratic. My voice is no less nor more important than yours. It's honesty and self-espression that matter. We can all learn so much from each other's thoughts and ideas.
While we're in the midst of a tremendously interesting election, we need to speak up. What an awesome Convention it could be if H&B are still close! (Too bad the Republicans can't have the same fun.)
I was personally so upset about our caucuses. It was the first time, we usually have primaries where anyone with a party affiliation can vote. The caucuses were held at 7pm on Super Tuesday, period. So much for my vote....I was at work. Even worse, my 18 year old voting virgin has to wait til November because she had a band concert. Totally wrong to exclude our voices.
And in November I will vote for the candidate I believe will best serve all of us, regardless of party. I voted Democratic instead of Republican once before, and I may just do it again!
Don't worry about "stepping on toes", it's time in this country we got out our steel-toed boots and started stomping!
Thanks again,
Marian in Western Colorado
I hate politics...always have. They are, however, a necessary and integral part of life that affects us all...from the very rich to the very poor. All I can say is...it takes someone with an extremely strong personality and even thicker skin to run for political office.
My mom was the "politician" in our family in that she worked inside the polls every election day. She loved it...that was her opportunity to "catch up" with everyone in our small town. She passed away several years ago, but I could not help but wonder what she would have thought about this historic Democratic primary...a woman and an African American (is that still PC) running for President.
Public financing of elections is a great way to control the process. The amount of money spent is stunning. If the politicians didn't have to spend all their time begging for contributions, they could do their job on the floor.
There was a time when I thought that politics were important. Now, not so much.All the fighting to be on top. I just don't see any change in the future. So much talking and nothing gets done. It is a race of personalities, money, connections and not one thing that says that something will change. What can they say different than the ones who have been elected before? What lengths will any of them go to get elected??
Will our country get what it needs or what it deserves?
Thank goodness we live in a democracy where one can discuss politics without fear of repercussion or censure.
Being unable to voice one's opinion openly on any subject would not go down well in this family...what a dull dinner table it would be.
Hi. Like you, I am looking forward to the upcoming election. Politics is a tough one to discuss without someone getting all ruffled, so I always kepp it simple by just asking people if they got their 'sticker'. I never realized how many of those things I have EVERYWHERE!! If anyone reading this doesn't know what sticker I'm talking about, then you need to register to vote and be a part of this great process.
Dear lucky dolphin-
It fell off my shirt and I stuck it on my purse and it's still there-maybe it will make it until I get a new one in November-
Regina-Most of mine are stuck to my wallets. There are some stuck inside the compartment thing between my front seats and in the glove compartment of my vehicle. I even found a few stuck to stuff out in the laundry room and in the yard shed. It's quite a thing :-)
I was raised by a fair-minded, middle-of-the-road Republican father and Independent mom. I consider myself to be socially liberal but fiscally conservative.
At this point, I will vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. I won't vote for Hillary. And I wish stupid Ralph Nader and his big fat head and ginormous ego would back out. He cost Gore the election in 2000.
Dear Elizabeth and blog friends-
May you have a Happy and Peaceful Easter-
I am leaning toward Hillary. McCain seems to me that we will be in the war like vietnam. Barack needs some more years under his belt. I believe he could win in the next one if he loses this one. We just haven't had any real strong candidates in a long time. I think that Michigan and Florida should be able to revote since this election is uncallable for the democrats. By dismissing them, they take away their right to vote. We need to stay strong on people voting and their votes counting.
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