NIFF gala

Well, the gala was a hoot. Camera's flashing as you walked down the short red carpet. News stations interviewing people. Everyone dressed in their best gala attire. Cuties walking around with trays of hor'deurves and free drinks for the VIP's. Which included me. lol. It was nice to have a film screening there, so I had something to talk about other than being known as Vincent D'Onofrio's sister. The best part of it all was the film, "The Cove". A riveting documentary about the slaughter of Dolphin in Japan. It was so sad to watch, but one shouldn't turn a blinds eye to it. The film has already made a difference, but there is still much work to be done to save these exquisite creatures. It actually reminded me of the holocaust, that's how devastating it was to watch. K, on a happier note. It was a good time. For those of you that live in the area, don't forget my film, The Chocolate Fetish is screening on Sunday at 245pm at Silverspot Cinema in Mercato.
In the pics, Myra founder of the Naples Philharmonic, and a fan of Vincents.
Reads like you had fun.xWhen your film's on dvd lets me know then I can buy it.x
It's nice to hear you had a good time.And let me say:You look very sweet in that dress!Good choice...It resembles the one you hold up in the pic below,but I think the one you chose looks even better on you!
Pretty dress!! Glad you had a good time, Great pictures, Thank You for sharing them with everbody
Dear Elizabeth-
Don't you look beautiful-love the dress-I am so sad for the dolphins-why do people think that because they've hunted dophins for years that it makes it their right to do it forever-Thanks for going to the film-
Wow, you looked beautiful. Hope you can share more pics. Again, thank you for giving a glimpse of your fun night. You are so very pretty and what a great smile. Glad you had an amazing night.
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