Thursday, August 16, 2007

Family Restaurant

Just to let you all know, that my brother, Vincent and my sister and her husband, Toni and Ron Jorgenson just opened a new Rib City Grill in Sandy, Utah. For those that live in Utah, if you like ribs, Rib City is the best. Rib City's originated down here in Florida and somehow my sister, Toni hooked up with the owners of the franchise and now has the Utah market. The Opening will be on Saturday, August 18th. Local Utahans, or whatever you call your selves can check out the local news and catch a glimpse of the family enjoying ribs on Saturday news stations. Craig Peden the owner of the franchises has his office down here in Ft. Myers at the beautiful and historic downtown Ft. Myers restaurant, The Veranda. Come join me for a cocktail there on Martini Friday afternoons.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Before the Dreams Materialized

Do you have friends that have known you since when you dreamt of where you would be today?
Well, I am proud to say that I do. I had the opportunity to spend four days on a Bahama Cruise with eight women that I have known since Middle School. What a blast from the past. The kooky are kookier, the cheerleaders are now cheering on their offspring, and who knew that Real Estate would be the most profitable and popular career of my generation. To hear the words, "Wow, your still Acting", made me think of how much a person could predict their future. Sharing memories and achievements really made me realize how far we have all come. When we actually thought that we would either be dead or very very old at our age now. How beautiful and youthful they all looked. Some with a little help from modern technology and others just aging gracefully. Reminiscing has got to be the best conversation women can have. Some things you wish you could have blocked out and other things that make you realize that you really haven't changed all that much. We were young girls becoming women and we made it through the seventies with just slight imperfections that actually compliment each of us personality wise. What a pleasurable opportunity to see friends that were there before the dreams and hopes of the future materialized