Monday, June 28, 2010

Hands Across The Sand

On Saturday over 1,000 people joined hands to protest off-shore drilling. They were stretched across the still white sandy beach that I now reside on in the Gulf. Of course, I joined them along with some family members. It was a beautiful day and the pristine beaches and blue water glowed as if to say "Thank You". I am also writing this blog post to let you all know that there are still many Florida beaches that haven't been affected by oil, and possibly may not be. So come down and enjoy our beautiful beaches. We must put a stop to off-shore drilling and find cleaner energy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Workshop

The workshop went very well. Much to my surprise, my brother, Vincent showed up to help critique the actors. Well, it wasn't exactly a surprise, he told me he would the night before when I spent the day with him and his gorgeous family. Everyone got a dual critique and information beyond anything they have had before. I so look forward to my NYC Workshop. There is such a nice pool of talent to work with. Also, my wonderful, handsome son even came to join in on the fun. It is so hard when he left the nest, but so nice to visit him in his new habitat. NYC! He's got it down and my entertainment consisted of going to where he worked. Two Jobs! I also have a great friend, Andrea, who is a producer. She also attended the workshop to see one of her scenes read. All in all, it was a very informative and lovely trip. Next year is too far away. If I can get enough interest I will do one again this summer. Yay! New York!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just a bit more than a week away

Well hello everyone. Just wanted to share with you a video of a previous NYC workshop. I was very happy to have had my brother join in on the critique of the students. This year is going to be great too. I only have a few seats left, and have enlisted the help of John Pallotta a local Acting Instructor. He has gotten me quite a few students signed up. I can't wait to meet and work with my new students and reunite with the annual attendees. I love visiting New York every year. Not to mention seeing family and friends.