The workshop this year went very well. It was great to see and work with previous attendees and new people. The range of ages and experience was also very nice as an instructor to work with. I would like to thank Gina
Bonati (Actress, Instructor, dancer) for her great input and presence at this years workshop. This year we had of course our fabulous over fifty gals,
Philamena, Betsy, Cheryl, and Judy, our math teacher, Cristen, four actresses in training, two working actors, and a writer, Ash. Special thanks to Matt for his time taping and taking pics and to Heather for finding the space and helping me out. I had a great time in NYC visiting family and friends. After which, I flew up to Buffalo, to meet my sister-in-law, her husband, and my four new nieces and nephews. Also, not to mention how lovely it was to spend time with my mother-in-law, MaryAnn, and her significant other, John, and of course, my baby girl, Alicia. Special thanks to my mom for caring for Killer while we were gone. So, looking forward to next years workshop. This time I think I'll spend a bit more time in NYC. Although, the time factor actually saved me from doing needless shopping.