Busy, Busy, Busy

Here's an update on what I have been doing since the New Year. I am the Talent and Film coordinator for the revamped Fort Myers Beach Film Festival. http://www.fmbfilmfest.com
I have lots of films to watch. I also received films from the SAG Awards and really want to watch them too. So I guess I should put my netflix on hold for awhile. Can you do that? I decided to do some acting in an hour production of vignettes here on the beach. It's called "A Beachy Love" and my friend Mark List and I will be doing a one-act called, "Open and Shut Marriage" by Bruce Kane. It's a funny one. So I am also learning lines and building a character. One more thing. Classes. I am teaching a class at The Laboratory Theater of Florida called, "Readers Theater". A great class for seniors and other people that don't want to memorize lines, but are interested in the creative process of working on a play. 10 week class on "The Importance of Being Earnest". I also am trying to get together a Film and TV acting class. Still looking for a space closer to me to hold them out. You see the beach in season (now) is always backed up in traffic. If you have to go north on the Island to go over the bridge to Fort Myers than there is a lot of time spent in traffic. So I am trying to get a class going over the South bridge to Bonita and Naples. So as you can see I am keeping busy these days with hopes for a better financial situation coming my way. Yay, Shawn just went out to get Margarita and Taco stuff for today. Sunday is my only day and night to spend with the love of my life. Oh yeah, I also had a great time visiting my son and friends in L.A.. He is such a wonderful young man. It certainly was a treat to participate in my Acting Coach's (Sharon Chatten) class. She is still the best ever. It was also great to spend a bit of time with her, chatting about family and stuff. She is so beautiful in and out. The knowledge I always gain from her is priceless. The pic you see here is at my darling friend's, Stephen Marshall and Michelle Lyons wedding. Vincent and I met Stephen at The American Stanislavsky Theater in NYC in 1979 and the three of us have been friends ever since. You can catch a glimpse of him and his talent as the photographer/traitor in "Steal This Movie". We lived, studied and worked together for many years in NYC. When we all were living in L.A. I met Michelle. Such a beautiful woman and dear heart. I got them together 18 years ago and they finally decided to get married. I also got to visit with my dear friend, Lori in Hollywood. It was all so much fun. Well, back to the drawing board. January is just about gone, but I think I have enough stuff to hold me over this season. Winter in Florida. Jan-April.