Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays to You

I found this picture off a blog about my brother. My sister, Toni was doing a charity at her Rib City's in Utah, and my bro, Vincent went to help out. What a wonderful family I have and I am very grateful. I spoke to Toni as she stressed through this successful charity. She is a great person and as you can see very beautiful. I don't usually post family photos because they seem to get stolen and pasted all over the web, but since I got this from there, well, why not spread some holiday cheer and let you all see how everyone is doing. Can you find the family resemblances? Check out the eyes and the nose area. This is my Happy Holidays to you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the Season....

Yes, its that time of year again and I am sure we are all stressing and hoping that our finances will heal themselves after all the gift buying. I am excited that my son will be spending Christmas with us this year. Woo Wee! I didn't do much xmasey (not a real word) decorating this year, because it just seems funny to put up wintry stuff in sunny Florida. So I just opted for a small fake table top tree. Such a change from chopping down a real one in the mountains of North Carolina. Well, as much as I miss the North Carolina mountains and the hopes of a White Christmas, I am very happy to be celebrating the Holidays on the beach. Where the only winter gear needed is a hoodie and a sand shovel. Looking forward to the change promised in the years to come and hoping you all have Merry Holidays and cheer. Ah yeah! Margaritas instead of Hot Toddies. Mmmm!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Coming Down

The play was great. Kudos to Fay Graetz for her wonderful play that gave us actors work and lots of fun. The venue at The Purple Heart Theatre was a perfect place to do a play about a boatyard. So I would like to Thank, Carl Conley, President of The Island Arts Foundation for letting us utilize his theater. I would also like to give Kudos to the actors, Mark List, Steve Vallo, Dan McWeeney and Keri Hendry for the wonderful job they all did to make the play, "On The Hard" a success. Special thanks to all the people of Ft. Myers, Naples, Cape Coral and Fort Myers Beach for attending. We had big houses for the run. For those of you that sent flowers and made the trek across the U.S. to see the play, Wow, thanks for your support of my career. Well, coming down from a play is a bit daunting as the roar of the greasepaint wanes, but the warm sunshine, sunsets, and the gulf waters that can be seen from my home will always nurture my soul sound. How can one not move on when they live in Paradise?