The realistic, contemporary play, "Talk Radio" stands out in the midst of surrounding local theater's classical choices. Opening Night went off a bit shaky at the beginning, but got back on track and provided a very entertaining show. Friday night was flawless and Saturday's energy was a bit low. Coming from a more professional background community theater has its ups and downs. Sets and lighting are made due with what you have to work with in the basement of the theaters. My main focus was on the actors, and they all delivered much more than their lines. I am very lucky to have the focused, energetic, local experienced actor, J Mitchell Haley as Barry Champlain. He drives the train with humor, and rage as his producer, Dan, (Steven Pawlowski) Assistant Producer, Linda, (Mahli Howell) Operator, Stu, (Don Manley) and engineer, Spike, (Kevin Igar), and the Callers (Dan McWeeny, Angel Stokey, Elliott Ashton, Cash DeCuir, and Abe De La Rosa) all give him the necessary fuel for "His Show".
We have had a pretty good turnout so far and many many audience members stuck around at the end of the show to congratulate the actors and myself. Kudo's were expressed as "Great Show", "Very Entertaining", and even "You should take this on the road" were just some of the nice feedback we received from a local audience. Many of them unknown to me, since this is my first project with The Laboratory Theater of Florida. All in all, I am very proud of my actors and the great show they provide. As an Acting Coach I wish I had more time to work with some of the weaker actors, but rehearsal time is just that and it's impossible to teach a entire technique in the time span provided. It's not over yet. Three more shows including tonight. Here's to "The smell of the greasepaint, and the roar of the crowd". I'm loving it!