It was a very nice weekend in Naples. Getting the opportunity to see "Don't Go In The Woods" on a big screen. Camera's flashing everywhere in order to get pictures of my brother. Then staying at the Ritz Carlton, which we all agreed that it was like one of our family trips to Disney World. Waking up to a beautiful day on Sunday. Room service, Yay! Then on we went to our sold out workshop. Vincent was as gracious as ever to his fans, although he does not give any slack to the actors in the workshop. He also promoted my classes on Thursday nights. It was a huge success! I gained many students for my classes. Being with my family is a great feeling. Vincent, Leila, Mom, and Soleil. Even my cousin Meredith that lives in Naples joined us for the film and workshop. For me, there is nothing like spending time and working with family. Thanks, bro, for doing this for me!