Tea with Grace

I am honored to have represented the Arts at the dedication ceremony of The Island Sand Paper's new Purple Heart Theater. The special guest was Senator Bill Nelson's wife, Grace. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I had the opportunity of attending a tea with her and other fine ladies of the community. She spoke of all the third world countries she has visited and the rewarding insights she gained by connecting with tribal women. She spoke of all the crops being wasted here in Florida and how she is trying desperately to utilize the waste to feed the hungry. Like her name, she is full of Grace and compassion for the needy, not only in this country but in the world. She spoke of government uniting as the only way to clean up the economy and what we as Americans are facing. She has hope for the future and spoke highly of Bill Clinton and everything he has done for the world, also. I came home that day, so proud to be a woman in America. Even though Life is not the best for us all right now, we are still able to stand above many countries that only know life as struggle. I am so grateful to be able to put food on my families table tomorrow, and to give thanks every day. Happy Thanksgiving!