Life Goes On

Well, there went January. Jeez, the time is flying. All quiet in the D'Onofrio/Halladay household. I am getting ready physically and mentally to endure the rehearsal period for Talk Radio. So, looking forward to it. Can't stop thinking about all the devastation in Haiti. I have made donations and hope you all do to. I was in the Northridge Earthquake back in the 90's. It was like a war zone. Our condo was inhabitable and we had to move away from beautiful Calabasas to deeper in the San Fernando Valley. It was very scary. Especially all the aftershocks, but not even close to the death toll and devastation in Haiti. It all sure makes one think about how bad life can actually get, and how lucky we are to be just enduring a recession. Life is too short, to ponder on the bad luck we have all had to live with in the last 10 years. Lets move forward by helping others in need and redirecting our lifestyles to fit in with the times. Do what you can to help and let life go on graciously.